Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vatican Official announces 7 MORE deadly sins

Vatican Bishop Gianfranco Girotti

1. You are a sinner. Admit it.  When creating the earth and all, God set it up for you to be born in sin. He loved you so much that he made you a sinner even before you were born. So don't fight it. You were born in sin. Romans 3:23 

2.  Understand that you deserve death for your sin. Yikes! That's one hellofaway to treat a baby. But that's a basic Catholic tenant. Re: Romans 6:23

3.  While you may think there are only 7 deadly sins, lust, gluttony, avarice,  sloth, anger, envy and pride, not so. According to the Catholic News Agency, a Vatican official, Bishop Gianfranco Girotti announced there are 7 more MORTAL SINS, called "social sins." These were listed by the Bishop, as 

1. polluting
2. genetic engineering
3. being obscenely rich
4. drug dealing
5. abortion
6. pedophilia, and
7. social injustice

The Vatican official's list was formalized as
1. Bioethical" violations such as birth control
2. "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell research

       3. Drug abuse

       4. Polluting the environment
       5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor

       6. Excessive wealth 

       7. Creating poverty

Now that you know these additional MORTAL SINS you can probably make a list on the back of your hand of the ways you are now busted for one or more of these.

Howabout me? Let's do a quick little moral inventory of myself.

1. "Such as birth control." I definitely do not want to make more babies.
2. "Stem cell research," I've googled stem cell research, does that count?
3. "Drug abuse," guilty. I swallowed 6 grams of vitamin C recently when I thought I was coming down with a cold. Later regretted this sin.
4. "Polluting?" I drive a car.
5. "Widening the gap," you betcha. I'm one of the 99%.
6. "Excessive wealth," probably, considering I'm a U.S. citizen.
7. "Creating poverty," is something like number 6 I think. So, yes. It's a good thing I'm not a Catholic or I would be in real trouble.

Now, the rest of the story. Bishop Gianfranco Girotti is probably looking for a new job. After the media spread this news around the world, the Vatican News Agency said it was all a mistake and that this was not what the Bishop had intended to say. He really intended to say .....nothing.

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