A beautiful, wonder-filled 3-min video that's been around for awhile but not very noticed. I have to watch it 3-4 times to comprehend it all.http://youtu.be/7pWLAFzCTcM. Or See the entire TV Series THE COSMOS, (Click)
One of our Producers on the Comedy Channel came up with some video suggestions for a rainy day:
Retired Episcopal Bishop says Hell is an invention of the Church. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=SF6I5VSZVqc
Atheist Calls Religious People 'Idiots' On British Debate Show http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=OyA9f-rs1-M
Christianity Harms Society.
http://www.youtube.com/user/ CultOfDusty?feature=watch#p/ search/0/IlXkjrluq_4
The Secret Files of the Inquisition - Part 1
http://video.google.com/ videoplay?docid=- 4457635096048290491#
Anti-intellectual, hate-filled Christians in King, North Carolina, typify the mindset of fundamentalist US citizens. MUST SEE VIDEO to be informed of the current terrorist threat coming from this segment of American society.
Double-click to enlarge the picture.
CHRISTIAN: Love Jesus or I'll kill you.
MUSLIM: Love Mohammad or I'll kill you.
Bill Moyers
CHRISTIAN: Love Jesus or I'll kill you.
MUSLIM: Love Mohammad or I'll kill you.
Bill Moyers
Some excerpts from a talk by Bill Moyers on the subject of radical fundamentalism among Christians and Muslims.
We know that the “violence-of-God” tradition remains embedded deep in the DNA of monotheistic faith. We also know that fundamentalists the world over and at home consider the “sacred texts” to be literally God’s word on all matters. Inside that logic you cannot read part of the Bible allegorically and the rest of it literally; if you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, his crucifixion and resurrection, and the depiction of the Great Judgment at the end times you must also believe that God is sadistic, brutal, vengeful, callow, cruel and savage—that God slaughters.
What’s also unique is the intensity, organization, and anger they have brought to the public square. Listen to their preachers, evangelists, and homegrown ayatollahs: Their viral intolerance—their loathing of other people’s beliefs, of America’s secular and liberal values, of an independent press, of the courts, of reason, science and the search for objective knowledge—has become an unprecedented sectarian crusade for state power. They use the language of faith to demonize political opponents, mislead and misinform voters, censor writers and artists, ostracize dissenters, and marginalize the poor. These are the foot soldiers in a political holy war financed by wealthy economic interests and guided by savvy partisan operatives who know that couching political ambition in religious rhetoric can ignite the passion of followers as ferociously as when Constantine painted the Sign of Christ (the “Christograph”) on the shields of his soldiers and on the banners of his legions and routed his rivals in Rome. Never mind that the Emperor himself was never baptized into the faith; it served him well enough to make the God worshipped by Christians his most important ally and turn the Sign of Christ into the one imperial symbol most widely recognized and feared from east to west.
This is the crux of the matter: To these fundamentalist radicals there is only one legitimate religion and only one particular brand of that religion that is right; all others who call on God are immoral or wrong. They believe the Bible to be literally true and that they alone know what it means. Behind their malicious attacks on the courts (“vermin in black robes,” as one of their talk show allies recently put it,) is a fierce longing to hold judges accountable for interpreting the Constitution according to standards of biblical revelation as fundamentalists define it. To get those judges they needed a party beholden to them. So the Grand Old Party—the GOP—has become God’s Own Party, its ranks made up of God’s Own People “marching as to war.”
Read the entire speech HERE.