Monday, March 12, 2012

Catholics aren't fascists, are they?

"When the Christian majority takes over this country, there will be no satanic churches, no more free distribution of pornography, no more talk of rights for homosexuals. After the Christian majority takes control, pluralism will be seen as immoral and evil and the state will not permit anybody the right to practice evil."
Gary Potter (Catholics for Christian Political Action)

Isolating fundamentalist Mormon women from the world

This video from the TODAY SHOW reveals the fundamentalist Mormon practice of isolating women from the real world, "keeping women in their place" even in the year 2012.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catholic religious radicalism now clearly attacking the U.S. Constitution

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Vatican's fanatical 5-Star General 

More than the Muslims, it's the Roman Catholic Church that is trying to impose its religion on America by infiltrating the U.S. government and two-party political system in its effort to dissolve the U.S. Constitution's requirement that no church may have power in matters of state.

With one eye on becoming the first American Pope upon the death of Joseph Ratzinger, currently the aging Pope Benedictus XVI, Cardinal Dolan sees his own power growing in both ultra-conservative Vatican and U.S. far-right political circles.

 “It is a freedom of religion battle. It is not about contraception. It is not about women’s health. We’re talking about an unwarranted, unprecedented, radical intrusion” into“ a church’s ability to teach, serve and sanctify on its own," said Cardinal Dolan in a recent speech in the U.S. 

Getting their foot in the door by trying to influence the U.S. Health Care Reform policies, the Vatican is just one step closer to watering down the Constitution's strength. 

Of course religious fundamentalists, both Catholic and Muslim have already made inroads in their quest for political power in the U.S.  Americans pay taxes which are used, in part, to support Catholic and Muslim religious education here. And Dolan, former Archbishop of New York City fully intends to throw his weight around to influence millions of faithful catholics all over America.  

Read more on this subject at: