Sunday, March 20, 2016

Which word does not apply here? Liar. Cheat. Murder. Clinton. Tooth fairy.

Aw, shucks. You guessed it.  It would be CLINTON. Because Clinton is like The Holy Name of America.
Is it even conceivable in the History of Television that the words, Clinton, Liar, Cheat, Murder would ever be connected? NO waaaaay!  That would have to be BALONEY! BUNKUM! SPUTUM!

Presidents of America do not lie!
Governors do. We know. Not Presidents! What would other countries think?
And First American Ladies don't. Think Nancy Reagan. Would Nancy Reagan lie?
Or would a Secretary of State lie? Think Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Henry Kissinger.
Back to Presidents. Think Abe Lincoln. Ronnie Reagan. Think Nixon. Bushies?

I won't go on. This is making me sick.



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